Hello hello! It has been a while since we did an update πŸ™‚ Our portfolio has grew a lot since our last update in January.

Portfolios Holdings

Our most notable transactions were Amazon, Ally Financials, Crowdstrike, and 3M. We have sold all of our holdings in those companies and reallocated the money towards other holdings. Also, we added 2 new positions: Visa and American Express! These will be built overtime!

In the past 4 months, our portfolio value grew by ~$15,000 (both from our deposits and market appreciation)! The total value is currently at ~$92,000 as of the time of this post.


Our current estimated annual dividend is $2,271, which is a 2.4% yield.

We received a total of $614.75 in dividends for January 2023 – April 2023. As for Q1 2023, the dividend amount is $513.73, a 104.15% year-over-year increase from Q1 2022 ($251.64)!

This is the result of investing regularly into the market and companies raising their dividends!

Bottom Line

Overall, we’re happy with our investments. We could’ve taken our money out and put them into CDs (which is apparently all the craze right now according to a random person that we overheard when having dinner at a restaurant :D), but that would mean not buying when there’s a sale πŸ™‚

Despite the economic downturn and wary for the upcoming recession (and current inflation), we continue to invest in the market consistently. If anything, market downturn presents the best opportunities to scoop up more shares!